Welcome to the first annual "All Treats, No Tricks" Giveaway Hop, brought to you by
The Hopping Bloggers & Up All Night Blogging!
We are a group of bloggers that specialize in giveaway hops - so stay with us and you will have many chances to win some amazing prizes! Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $15 - and some are much more than that!
Be sure to visit them all - there is no limit to how many prizes you can win!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I hope you will continue to do so on a regular basis.
I, here at Serenity Doesn't Come Easy have decided
to give away a gift basket from
![Image result for zazzle logo]()
that is worth $120+
One winner takes all.
Best of luck to you!! To enter leave a meaningful comment and don't forget to leave me your email in case you are chosen as the winner.
Winner will be chosen at random and notified via email on 11/1
and have 48 hours to reply.
Good luck.
The Hopping Bloggers & Up All Night Blogging!
We are a group of bloggers that specialize in giveaway hops - so stay with us and you will have many chances to win some amazing prizes! Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $15 - and some are much more than that!
Be sure to visit them all - there is no limit to how many prizes you can win!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I hope you will continue to do so on a regular basis.
I, here at Serenity Doesn't Come Easy have decided
to give away a gift basket from
that is worth $120+
One winner takes all.
Best of luck to you!! To enter leave a meaningful comment and don't forget to leave me your email in case you are chosen as the winner.
Striped Monogram Leather Wallet
ARV $51.95(2)
Personalized Herringbone Serving Tray
ARV $50.95
Colorful Chevron Monogram Compact Mirror Makeup Mirrors
ARV $16.95
and have 48 hours to reply.
Good luck.
awesome giveaway!
I love that mirror! Mine is boring black, and I'd love to upgrade! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteoneagainst at hotmail dot com
I hope you have a wonderful Halloween! I always appreciate when bloggers host giveaways because I love to enter them! I think that wallet looks really cool.
ReplyDeleteThe beauty package sounds amazing, the gift cards would all make wonderful xmas presents and the DVD pkg would be a blessing for my husband! Thanks for hosting!! Allisonrene1128@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to win the serving tray! Would be perfect for our family get togethers! Brandilyn015@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI just typed my whole story out and lost it when I went to click "comment as". :-(
ReplyDeleteAnyway....since it is breast cancer awareness month, I am going to focus on that. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the week before I was to do the 60 mile breast cancer awareness walk. I had signed up to do it just to raise money but at the time I signed up, I didn't know anyone with breast cancer. I did the walk with my mom on my mind. The week after, she had surgery. I remember there was a tornado during her surgery and would have freaked out if she was awake. She did the chemo and radiation. I remember my sister Colleen shaving my mom's head in the kitchen. She made it through and even grew her curly hair back! Now we do the Race for the Cure on Mother's Day every year! If I won, I would give these gifts to her. My email is umngirl20@msn.com
Thank you for the chance to win these amazing gifts! They'd be great Christmas gifts ! My email is elizebeth2123@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for an awesome giveaway. The serving tray would make a great gift to give. My email address is kimberlyabel@att.net
ReplyDeleteI love the serving tray!! It's adorable. All the items in this giveaway are cute and would make some nice Christmas gifts too! My e-mail Is nancelynn@aol.com
ReplyDeleteMy mother is a breast cancer survivor. Thank you for making people aware of how they can all help others who have suffered from this disease.
Thank you for this wonderful gift. I have a close friend who is dealing with breast cancer and is about to undergo a double mastectomy. She is a single mom of 3 children, including a 1 year old and is really struggling emotionally and financially. It is hard to feel beautiful in this moment. I would love to win this for her! Atomanne1@aol.com
ReplyDeleteHalloween is just around the corner and I hope it is a fun one since it lands on a Friday! Hope you enjoy it and get out there and be spooktabulous! Thanks for sharing with us this awesome giveaway~ Peace :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great giveaway! Halloween = Dressing up, pumpkin patch party, corn maze, going from house to house to show off their costumes and get candy!
ReplyDeleteI really the chevron compact, I would give it to my Mom for Christmas
ReplyDeleteThese are some really great gifts theres something for everybody in it! Thanks sbroughton61@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway! Happy halloween! Watts128 at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteThese are very nice prizes, I love them all!
ReplyDeleteMichelle Harasewicz
Zazzle is such a great company - this is a cool giveaway. I had Zazzle put my daughter's drawing on one of their backpacks and it turned out great - I'm sure these will do just as well!
ReplyDeleterainbowmenus {at} gmail {dot} com
I am not super familiar with the zazzle brand, but I did check out some of their products. Looks like great quality, fun stuff :)
Sound like a great Gift for the holidays to give .
ReplyDeletesasluvbooks at yahoo dot com
This would be wonderful to give to my mother for Christmas as a special thank you for how amazing she is :D kyndalsmith1985@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHope I can win :)
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Zazzle before. I love the items you selected, especially the wallet.
ReplyDeleteGreat collection...I love the variety
DeleteThank you for the awesome giveaway! deannankeller@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful giveaways! I love the monogrammed tray - we'd love to have something like that in our house. amyfranz1@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting together another wonderful giveaway Serenity. I hope you have a lovely and spooky halloween! :)
This giveaway sounds amazing. Thank you so much for all of your hard work! erin.madigan@eagles.usm.edu
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAll Treats, No Tricks Giveaway Hop...has been a very interesting hop of giveaway to enter. A great variety.
ReplyDeleteI also love your blog. I often share your pictures on my Facebook page. I love the message they send. I also love the message your blog sends. Thank you for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness too. Much peach to you!
I love the serving tray :) I am always on the look out for a good tray.
ReplyDeletenaomistamps@hotmail dot com
I have a lot of health problems, but cancer has stayed away so far. I am so terrified of it! My father died of lung cancer at 52. :(
ReplyDeletehiwendyhi at yahoo dot com
This is a wonderful contest. I would love to have any of the prizes.
ReplyDeletesstrode at scrtc dot com
I love Zazzle products. What an amazing giveaway!
Thanks so much for having this giveaway! I'm new to your site, but have been enjoying it so far, keep up the great work and have a super fun halloween! :-)
ReplyDeletemissbonniebelle (at) gmail (dot) com
These are all great prizes. Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.
ReplyDeletelkish77123 at gmail dot com
These are awesome prizes. I love the wallet and mirror! I have been looking for a personalized serving tray for awhile and love this one- most of the ones I find are plain and cheap looking! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hope you have a wonderful Halloween. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletetheshadedmoon (at) gmail dot com
I have to say thank you for such a beautiful giveaway! I know that this is Breast Cancer Awareness and here I am on the last day. That is just me what can I say! I was a very lucky woman when I found my lump. It was a fully encapsulated tumor that was growing really fast. I got into see the surgeon, and he felt it and said that needs to come out, well 4 days later when I was in surgery suite, he told me it had actually grown just in those few days. We got it out and luckly they got it all, and since it was fully encapsulated, so far I just have to have Mammograms every 6 months!
Deletethanks so much for participating in this fun event! Wishing you a Happy Halloween, and a wonderful upcoming Holiday Season (which seems to go by way too fast and arrive earlier each year because I'm never ready!) micaela6955 at msn dot com